Thursday, May 20, 2021

Direct Instruction "In Learning You Will Teach, and In Teaching You Will Learn"

I am on a journey that has multiple roads I must go down at the same time.  One road of my journey is being a Gifted and Talented Teacher.  Another road is leading me down my aspirations of coaching.  My other road is my path to study and earn my Masters degree.  These roads don't mention my personal journey I am on as well.  Some days I would love my journey to be a Netflix and Chill kind of routine.  But, I am grateful for the opportunity to be stretched and continuously learning in this chapter of my life.  My classes bring subjects and content of things I might not have had the motivation to learn on my own.

I have been a part of the classroom for many years.  I have incorporated many types of models of instruction for each classroom and matched it to my students needs.  I learned what type of learners they were: visual, auditory, verbal, physical, logical, social, and solitary and which teaching instruction would give my students to best path to learn.  This infographic of 7 Different Types of Learning Styles Infographic summarizes each type of learning style.

Also, in the book Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom by Thomas Armstrong, he gives teachers fountain of information on the importance of teaching with different techniques to reach all students learning intelligence.  He states: "MI theory makes its greatest contribution to education by suggesting that teachers need to expand their repertoire of techniques, tools and strategies, beyond the typical Word Smart and Number/Logic Smart abilities predominantly tapped in the U.S. Classroom."  I have also, and still am, refining my teaching style.  There are so many amazing teachers out there who actually share there art with other teachers like me and I just can't get enough.  I am a firm believer that I should continually improve myself as a person and educator, stay out of my comfort zone, and keep striving for greatness.

My focus today is on one of the instructional models, Direct Instruction.  This type of model is one of the most commonly used by teachers in our teaching instruction.  In Instruction: A Models Approach by Thomas H. Este and Susan L. Mintz it summarizes that the goal for our students is to have clear targets, diagnostic testing, realistic goals, tasks in single steps, positive reinforcements, and good records (pg. 43).  As we teach with direct instruction we are able to teach a targeted goal of what was learned, what is to be learned, and guided practice with independent practice to further student mastery skills and understanding.  After that process it is impetrative to review the new content and provide corrective feedback.

Since Direct Instruction has multiple steps to guide our students to understand learning. not all students learn the same way as I have previously suggested with multiple intelligences.  Also, not all students learn at the same level which is why differentiation is so important for student engagement.  I usually differentiate direct instruction to fit the needs of my gifted students.  In a general education classrooms there must be differentiating since student learning is on so many various levels.  My gifted students meet in small groups of about 4-14 students.  There is still differentiating within these groups of giftedness.  The book Instruction: A Models Approach the direct instruction strategy is to:

1. Have flexible grouping which allows students to practice new knowledge and skills with peers of similar interest, skills, and achievement.

2. Produce various questioning based on the learner's readiness, experiences, and interest (pg. 55).

The questioning comes from the well known: Blooms Taxonomy.  It coincides with exactly what I want to accomplish and the strategies to get my students to think in certain ways.  It is adaptable in many ways so I can teach my gifted students at the higher level they need.

As for Gifted Students I focus on an enrichment approach with an emphasis on the analysis, evaluating, and creating from Blooms Taxonomy.  My students quickly gain understanding of new materials so they need to spend more of their time on analyzing, and evaluating.  Naphtali Hoff reiterates the importance of differentiation...  

Direct Instruction also has a certain routine for students.  It shows repetition, the ability for teachers to fix mistakes so students can correct themselves, teachers use signals, and involved questioning.  My school district has recently adapted the ECRI program into our primary grade levels.  The repetition and routine is what makes this a successful adaptation for primary students learning the sounds of letters, forming their words, and decoding.  Research has shown that repetition gives the student the ability to remember what is being taught.  APL nextED shared an article encouraging the importance of repetition which says: "Repetition is a key learning aid because it helps transition a skill from the conscious to the subconscious."

My gifted students are a part of ECRI repetition and routine but come to their groups with me to enhance their knowledge and focus on the advancement levels with their needs once a week for a 30-45 min.  I've used many different instructional models but when I do use Direct Instruction I spend more time on the independent practice.  This is where I monitor my students using their new skills, oversee what they create, design, demonstrate, and how they creatively invent other various creations.  I know my students do not need as much time going over new content but what they do need is the enriching activities where their minds connect the new skills they've learned.  My students are producing what Seymour Papert, a well known advocate for children's learning process, has established as "constructionism".  In Invent to Learn by Sylvia Libow Martinez, and Gary Stager, Ph.D. they mentioned that constructionism is the students learning as a reconstruction rather than a transmission of knowledge.  Also, that students can extend an idea with manipulative materials to construct a meaningful product. (p. 35-36).  My students are being makers, tinkers, and engineers and I am there to direct them.  Direct Instruction can be a powerful tool for students to master new skills.  What can be even more empowering for students is, as teachers, know what their learning styles are and create a direct instructional model that fits each students' needs.

"We believe in kid power and know that teachers hold the key to liberating the learner." -Invent to Learn


APL nextED.  2020, March. Focus and Repitition in Learning.  APL nextED.,time%20and%20gradually%20becomes%20easier.&text=Additionally%2C%20spaced%20repetition%20is%20also,skills%2Dbased%20and%20factual%20knowledge. 

Armstrong, Thomas.  2018.  Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom.  ASCD.


Estesm H., Thomas.  Mintz, L., Susan.  Instruction: A Models Approach Seventh Edition.  2016. Pearson Education, Inc.

Hoff, Naphtali.

Martinez, L., Sylvia, Stager, Gary Ph.D.  2019.  Invent to Learn.  Construction Modern Knowledge Press.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joann, I enjoyed reading your blog, it must be fun teaching gifted students. I really love how you incorporate engaging activities for your students and you still differentiate your instruction.
    You covered a lot of material and sited them very well. Just a suggestion, you might want to run it through spell checker. Also, I was hard for me to find where to post my comment, so you might want to make it bigger.



 I have been thinking about tinkering lately.  My advanced students are currently working on their passion projects (some call it genius hou...